BIX42 is the best mobile billing, invoice and payment collection app for businesses like Newspaper agencies, Cable operators , ISP providers, Internet providers, broadband operators, LCOs , LMOs , Milk , Tiffin , Water Delivery and Retail Shops,

* Best Billing Software *
* Prepare eBills of Customers *
* Available for Mobile and Desktop *
* Manage Customers of Your Business *
* Grow Your Business *
* Collect Payment from Your Customers *
* Send Bills and Invoice to your customers on WhatsApp *
* Print and Share Invoices using Thermal Printer *
* Expense Management *
* Collection Boy Management *
* Automatic Payment Reminder *
* Custom Invoice format *


Pinkcity Tower, Banipark, Jaipur


As we know, efficiency is the key to survival in the fast-changing world. When it comes to managing the business finances, you need to improve it. Gone are the days when paperwork and manual billing processes were necessary. With advanced technology, the handling of business finances has become easy and simplified. All thanks to the innovative BixApp billing and collection mobile software application.

Imagine a world where you can say goodbye and get rid of paperwork, paper invoices and spreadsheets. There is no need to chase for payments. Our mobile billing and collection app has the streamlined interface to make billing process easy, simple, fast and more efficient than ever before.  

So, how is our billing app different from other apps? Let us have a look at the key features of BixApp and learn about the benefits. 

Digital Invoicing 

Billing and collection simplified

With our mobile billing and collection software, you can create personalized invoices in a few clicks and send them.  There is no longer a need for printing, mailing, and waiting for the payments to arrive. It is the feature that allows you to send invoices via email, ensuring prompt delivery to your clients. 

Automated Reminders

Are you tired of chasing the late payments? If yes, then our app takes care of that for you. There are automated payments reminders. You can set the reminder preference and our billing app will send the friendly reminders to avoid the late payments. Your clients will get notifications for due payments and they can make payments faster and reduce the awkward follow-up calls. 

Tracking Expenses

 One of the essential things of the billing is tracking expenses. BixApp efficiently manage the finances and allows you to easily record and categorize them. In addition to it, it makes easy to track spending and monitoring business financial health without paperwork. 

Secure Payment Processing

Remember that security is a top-notch thing to handle financial transactions. BixApp has the latest technology to ensure your sensitive information stays confidential and private all times. Plus, integrated payment processing also keeps the data secure without access to third-party cookies. Your clients can make the payment with confidence and sensitive information being protected. 

Real-Time Reporting

Our app gives valuable insights into your business finances. This is because of the app’s real-time reporting feature. You can have all the information briefly, like outstanding invoices and late payments received. As a result, you can make informed decisions and stick to the financial goals of your business. 

mobile billing and collection software app

Mobile Accessibility

When you are in the office or anywhere else, our app will always stay with you. It is possible because of mobile accessibility of BixApp. It can manage your billing and invoicing at any time of the day from anywhere, right from the pam of your hand. 


In a nutshell, our billing and collection mobile software app is the best way to manage the finances eliminating paperwork. Along with it, there is simplifying of invoicing processes with valuable insights into improved performance. So, say goodbye to the paper billing processes and headaches into simpler hello.  Try it today and experience the difference in billing processes. 

